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Sanya is doing whatever they could for fighting against pandemic
Category: SANYA News
Date: 2020-03-26
Click: 1240
Author: SANYA

Till March 25t, more than 410,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed worldwide, affecting more than 120 countries and regions. Now domestic epidemic situation is gradually under control, our country began to provide assistance to other countries. At the same time, many domestic enterprises lend a helping hand to fight against this virus.


As famous export enterprise in Guangdong province, Guangzhou Sanya Motorcycle Co., LTD. has donated medical materials to many countries since its returned to work. As of press time, Sanya has donated about 54,000 surgical masks to dealers and consumers in Africa, South America and Europe.


▲Donated medical materials

Merciless disease, the world is love!

Sanya is taking action to fight against the pandemic.

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